Modern Family Lost Episode

Most of you probably know the ABC comedy TV series ''Modern Family ''right? Well there was an unaired episode called ''Luke Gets Killed''.
The plot began with Phil coming home from work,telling Haley that she is grounded,then Haley got angry and told him to fuck off. Claire then came,and punched her in the mouth. But there was another thing. The week before,Luke accidentally flew a slingshot at her,so Haley started plotting her revenge.
She grabbed a knife and started stabbing Luke in the stomach,and stab his nose. Alex came to scream "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE HALEY?!", and called the police in her room. Luke was then seen in the next scene bleeding on the floor with a ripped off nose and organs and lungs everywhere.
Haley was then sent to the police,and got the electric chair. The final scene showed all of the families gathered at Luke's funeral. The episode was never aired.